5.1 Introduction
Listed in this section are policies and procedures that are applicable to all USNH employees and offices and linked to the University System of New Hampshire (USNH) Policy Manual. The items that are specific to or customized for UNH will be linked to information within the UNH site or to the appropriate page and section in the UNH Policy Manual. UNH Cooperative Extension has policies and procedures specific to Extension faculty on their intranet at http://extension.0857love.com/Intranet/Policies.
The topics are listed alphabetically.
5.2 Academic Field Trip Guidelines
An academic field trip is defined as a course-related activity that normally involves travel for the group of students enrolled in a class and is sponsored by the University. An academic field trip serves educational purposes and occurs outside of the classroom at a location other than the campus on which the course is regularly taught. Information on the responsibilities of both faculty and students participating in an academic field trip.
5.3 Alcohol, Drugs, and Smoking
5.3.1 Alcohol
The University is committed to establishing and maintaining an environment that fosters mutually beneficial interpersonal relations and a shared responsibility for the welfare and safety of others. Because alcohol can have a significant effect on that environment, the University has adopted a policy for governing alcohol use by students, staff, faculty, visitors, and guests. Alcohol will be permitted at University of New Hampshire only in those settings that:
- Comply with all local, state, and federal laws,
- In no way lead to injury or illness, and
- Also provide non-alcoholic beverages.
Except with special permission, only certain designated locations on campus are approved for serving alcoholic beverages as specifically outlined in the full Alcohol Policy which can be found at http://www.usnh.edu/unh/iii-administrative-policies/k-alcohol-policy.
The UNH Alcohol Policy pertaining to the University residence halls and apartment complexes, dining halls, MUB, Hamel Recreation Center, Field House, Whittemore Center Arena, skyboxes, skybox lounge, the President’s residence, academic, administrative, and classroom buildings, and UNH grounds can be found at http://iq6r.0857love.com/main/student-life.
5.3.2 Drug Free Workplace
USNH views alcoholism and drug addiction as highly complex diseases that, once they have been recognized, can be arrested by appropriate treatment, and for which the same consideration is given to faculty and staff as is given in cases of other illnesses. The University System's only purpose in involving itself in the complex areas of alcoholism and drug addiction is to assist the faculty or staff member in seeking treatment and returning to a state of effectiveness and productivity. The Employee Assistance Program (see http://iq6r.0857love.com/healthyunh/resource/eap-counseling) is available to assist with such illnesses. Every case is handled with the utmost confidentiality. USNH’s Drug Free Workplace Policy can be found at http://www.usnh.edu/policy/usy/v-personnel-policies/d-employee-relations.
5.3.3 Smoking Policy
In order to protect the health, safety and comfort of University students, faculty and other academic appointees, staff, and visitors, and consistent with state law (RSA 155:64-77), it is the policy of UNH to restrict smoking in facilities and on grounds owned and occupied or leased and occupied by the University. Where the needs of smokers and non-smokers conflict, smoke-free air shall have priority. In addition, UNH supports education programs to provide smoking cessation and prevention initiatives to our students, faculty and other academic appointees and staff.
Nonsmoking areas are defined as all buildings and vehicles leased or owned by the University. Outdoor areas including within 20 feet of any building owned or leased by the University and other outdoor non-smoking areas are defined by the UNH Tobacco Policy http://www.usnh.edu/policy/unh/v-personnel-policies/d-employee-relations, Section 4.
5.4 Care and Use of Animals
UNH recognizes its responsibility to produce and disseminate knowledge in accordance with its mission of research, teaching, and public service. Some activities conducted at UNH necessitate the use of live vertebrate animals. Recognizing the importance of using live animals for these purposes, UNH, for both ethical and scientific reasons, insists upon the highest standards for the care and use of such animals. For more information on the UNH Policy on Care and Use of Animals see http://www.usnh.edu/policy/unh/viii-research-policies/g-care-and-use-animals.
5.5 Changes to Academic Programs Approval Process
Changes to academic programs include degree program/major additions and degree program/major deletions, name changes, and information items. Program additions, deletions, name changes and information items must be reported annually to the USNH Administrative Board, the USNH Programs and Services Committee, and the full USNH Board of Trustees.
5.6 Classified Work
A core value of the University is the open discovery and exchange of knowledge through publication, education, and public outreach. Because of this core value, the University does not endorse or support the conduct of classified work on campus. The University policy on classified work applies to all members of the University community including, but not limited to, faculty, staff, and students; visiting scholars, scientists, and postdoctoral fellows; and any other persons engaged in scholarly activity at or under the auspices of the University.
Further descriptions of classified work and policies at UNH can be found in the Online Policy Manual at http://www.usnh.edu/policy/unh/viii-research-policies/b-classified-work.
5.7 Consensual Relationships
UNH has a policy to prevent conflicts of interest that can occur when two members of the UNH community whose institutional roles place them in an uneven power dynamic engage in a consensual amorous relationship. An uneven power dynamic is characterized by circumstance where one party has the professional responsibility to evaluate the other party’s academic and/or work performance and/or the responsibility to perform a “check and balance” role relative to the other, or where there is a reasonably foreseeable possibility that one party could be called upon to participate in decisions affecting the other party's employment or academic prospects. Such relationships create the opportunity for abuse of power and/or bias in the exercise of professional judgment. Any faculty member involved in a consensual amorous relationship with an uneven power dynamic must notify her/his department chair/director or immediate supervisor. Please see http://www.usnh.edu/policy/usy/v-personnel-policies/d-employee-relations#usyvd36 for the complete policy and procedures governing consensual relationships.
5.8 Course Fees
A course fee is charged to students to recover the extraordinary costs of materials and supplies not normally covered by the instructional budget and fundamental to the special instructional activities associated with a specific course.
For more information on what does and does not qualify in the request for course fees, visit Special Course Fees.
5.9 Disability Accommodation Policy and Procedure
Every otherwise-qualified student with a documented disability has the right to equal access to courses, programs, services, events, jobs, offices, student club activities, facilities, meeting places, and transportation available through UNH. Faculty are required to provide reasonable and appropriate accommodations, adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids as determined by UNH on a case-by-case and/or course basis. For information on policies and procedures governing disability accommodations, see http://iq6r.0857love.com/studentaccessibility/faculty.
5.10 Discrimination and Discriminatory Harassment Policy
Discrimination and discriminatory harassment is contrary to the University's values and moral standards as well as a violation of federal and state laws and University rules and policies. It includes sexual harassment, unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature directed at an employee or student by another when:
submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment, academic status, receipt of University services, participation in University activities and programs, or affects the measure of a student’s academic performance; or submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as the basis for a decision affecting employment, academic status, receipt of services, participation in University activities and programs, or the measure of a student’s academic performance; or such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with employment opportunities, work or academic performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work or educational environment.
The Discrimination and Discriminatory Harassment Policy (including sexual harassment), Interpretation, and Implementation Procedures can be found at http://www.usnh.edu/policy/unh/v-personnel-policies/b-affirmative-action-and-equity#5.
It is important to review the policy and remember that sexual harassment may occur between faculty, faculty and staff, faculty and students, and between students. The University will take prompt steps to end sexual harassment, prevent its recurrence, and correct the effects of the harassment on the victim.
5.11 Faculty Search Procedures
For instructions on the steps to follow to recruit and hire new faculty please consult the search manual at Hiring Procedures & Forms. All required forms are also included as appendices in the manual.
5.12 Financial Conflict of Interest in Research
A financial conflict of interest in research exists when it can be reasonably determined that an investigator's personal financial concerns could directly and significantly influence the design, conduct, or reporting of sponsored research activities. Faculty have an obligation to scrupulously maintain the objectivity of their research so as to avoid any conflict of interest.
More detailed information on policies about compliance with financial conflict of interest in research regulations and funded research can be found at http://iq6r.0857love.com/research/financial-conflicts-interest-research.
5.13 Foreign Study
Faculty play an important role in the international education of the increasing numbers of students involved in the International Affairs Dual Major, area studies minors, study abroad, and extra-curricular activities such as the Model UN or Students Without Borders. Helpful resources and information for faculty engaged in international education is available at http://iq6r.0857love.com/global/.
5.14 Intellectual Property
Intellectual property is intangible property such as ideas, expressions, formulas, or any other creation of the mind. Intellectual property, like tangible real or personal property, may be bought, sold, or leased. The major types of intellectual property include patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets. Protecting the rights of those who create intellectual property should be a high priority for all UNH faculty and staff. For more information on your role in maintaining the rights to your work and preventing your misuse of others' work, please see http://innovation.0857love.com/protect-your-intellectual-property. The handling of any cases of alleged misuse of work by members of the AAUP-UNH is governed by the Collective Bargaining Agreement (see http://www.usnh.edu/policy/bot/v-personnel-policies/d-employee-and-labor-relations).
5.15 Misconduct in Scholarly Activities
UNH has adopted a policy on misconduct in scholarly activity that describes actions that comprise misconduct at UNH and details the procedures for handling misconduct allegations see (http://www.usnh.edu/policy/unh/ii-academic-policies/c-misconduct-scholarly-activity#6). The UNH Misconduct Policy does not apply to members of the AAUP-UNH as the handling of those alleged misconduct cases is governed by the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
5.16 Openness, Access, and Participation in Research and Scholarly Activities
A core value of the University is the open exchange of research and scholarly information both within the University and between the University and the public. This policy addresses the circumstances under which University research and scholarship are conducted in an open environment, regardless of whether or not a sponsored program is involved.
Research and scholarship will be accomplished openly for the exchange of ideas and information and without prohibitions on the dissemination of the results of these activities.
There can be no fundamental limitation on the freedom to disseminate the results of research and scholarship conducted on the part of the University. The University will enter into no agreement that bars any University researcher or scholar from publishing or otherwise disclosing his/her findings publicly. However, delays are permissible when appropriate.
More information on the procedure for accepting a sponsor's proprietary materials and sponsor approval of a foreign national's access to their facilities can be found at http://www.usnh.edu/policy/unh/viii-research-policies/openness-access-and-participation-research-and-scholarly-activities.
5.17 Ownership and Management of Research Data
Collection and generation of research data are integral aspects of research activity at the University, whether the data are primary in nature or compiled, assembled, or otherwise derived. These data have several purposes: to serve as a record of the investigation, to form the basis on which conclusions are made, and to enable the reconstruction of procedures and protocols. In keeping with its commitment to promote integrity in the scholarly process, the University's research data management practices should ensure open and timely access to research data. Such access is especially vital with respect to questions about compliance with legal or regulatory requirements governing the conduct of research, accuracy or authenticity of data, primacy of findings, and reproducibility of results.
The UNH Policy on Ownership and Management of Research Data is described in detail in the Online Policy Manual at http://www.usnh.edu/policy/unh/viii-research-policies/c-unh-policy-ownership-management-and-sharing-research-data.
5.18 Relationship Violence Policy
Title IX states that if a school knows or reasonably should know about student-on-student sexual harassment that creates a hostile environment, the school is required to take immediate action to eliminate the harassment, prevent its recurrence, and address its effects. A sexual assault is viewed under this umbrella. If a faculty learns of a situation where violence has been perpetrated, he or she must advise the authorities. For more information, please see http://iq6r.0857love.com/sharpp/responding-student-disclosures.
SHARPP, the UNH Counseling Center, and Health Services are offices that are staffed by University employees, including sexual assault/domestic violence counselors, psychologists, physicians, and medical staff. As part of their role, the staffs in these services are legally obligated to protect the confidentiality of their communications with clients/patients. The staffs of these offices are not required to report information about sexual assault, relationship abuse, stalking or other issues unless they relate to someone currently under the age of 18. For information on the many resources that SHARPP has to offer, please see http://iq6r.0857love.com/sharpp/.
5.19 Responsible Conduct of Research
As a land-grant institution, UNH is accountable to New Hampshire residents and to the university community to ensure the ethical and safe conduct of research and scholarly activity. As an institution of higher education that prides itself on extensive research endeavors and the involvement of undergraduates and graduate students in research projects, UNH has an obligation to teach and actively promote integrity in research and scholarship. For more information on ethical conduct of research and for a link to UNH’s Web-based program of instruction related to the responsible conduct of research and scholarly activity, go to http://iq6r.0857love.com/research/responsible-conduct-research-scholarly-activity.
5.20 Student Grievance Procedure
Students who allege that academic regulations and procedures have been improperly applied in specific instances may have their grievances addressed according to University procedure. The student grievance and complaint procedures are available at http://iq6r.0857love.com/main/student-life.
5.21 Use of Human Subjects
When non-human models are insufficient, use of human subjects in research is an integral aspect of scholarly activity at UNH. UNH recognizes its ethical and legal responsibilities to provide a mechanism to protect individuals involved as subjects in research conducted under the auspices of UNH. Accordingly, to protect the rights and welfare of every human subject involved in research activities, UNH maintains a policy on the use of human subjects in research. UNH strives to ensure that all members of its community understand and adhere to this policy.
All UNH research activities proposing to involve human subjects must be reviewed and receive written, unconditional approval from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for the Protection of Human Subjects in Research before commencing. This applies to all research activities conducted under the auspices of UNH involving human subjects regardless of discipline or whether or not the activities are funded.
For more details on the University’s policies regarding the use of human subjects in research and scholarly activity, and where to obtain prior required approval for using human subjects see
5.22 Use of Controlled Substances
UNH recognizes its ethical and legal responsibilities to comply with pertinent regulations regarding the use, storage, and disposal of controlled substances in scholarly and teaching activities conducted under the auspices of UNH. Accordingly, UNH maintains a policy on the use of controlled substances in scholarly and teaching activities. UNH strives to ensure that all members of its community understand and adhere to this policy.
For more information on this policy related to the use of controlled substances in research and scholarly activities, including definitions, see http://www.usnh.edu/policy/unh/viii-research-policies/i-use-controlled-substances.