Jeremy Gasowski

Jeremy Gasowski's Articles

  • Female researcher scoops into large fish tank with net

    Research Snapshot: Raising Lumpfish

    At UNH’s Coastal Marine Lab in New Castle, N.H., Elizabeth Fairchild raises and researches lumpfish as a potential pest-management solution for the aquaculture industry.
  • Ensuring a Healthier State

    Ensuring a Healthier State

    Researchers at the University of New Hampshire will start genomic testing of positive cases of the COVID-19 virus to help monitor for any variants of concern that may be found in New Hampshire.
  • All blue room with acoustic pyramid-shaped foam

    Research Snapshot: Eerie Quiet

    Stanley Ellis, a research engineer with UNH’s Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space, tests a detector inside Morse Hall’s anechoic chamber, a room lined with pyramid-shaped material...
  • Dave Mortensen prepares meatloaf meals.

    Rescue Mission

    COLSA’s department of agriculture, nutrition, and food systems (ANFS), UNH Hospitality Services, and Gather, a food pantry and food distribution network based in Portsmouth, are turning unused food...
  • Close-up of McGregor EMS jacket with student working in background

    Jump Seat to History

    34 student volunteers helped power McGregor Memorial EMS, the primary ambulance service for Durham, UNH, Madbury and Lee, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Not only did the student-volunteers, who...
  • Student working in green house

    Local Flavor

    Half of Granite Staters report buying food from local farms at least a few times a month but only 15% do so weekly, according to new research released by the Carsey School of Public Policy at the...
  • UNH outdoor pool

    Diving back in

    UNH will be opening its outdoor pool to the public Wednesday, June 30, with specific guidelines in place.
  • Paula Mouser stands on catwalk at Durham's wastewater treatment facility

    PFAS Are Forever

    Two studies from UNH look at the fate of PFAS after being processed by wastewater treatment facilities.
  • Campus aerial

    Excellent Faculty

    Every year, a chosen few of UNH’s outstanding faculty members from each college and school receive Faculty Excellence Awards in recognition of their achievements in teaching, scholarship and service...
  • students walking in for commencement

    College Ceremonies

    Highlights from the commencement ceremonies for each college are captured here. College of Health and Human Services College of Liberal Arts College of Life Sciences and Agriculture and the College...
  • montage of faculty award winners

    Crack Faculty

    COLA celebrates award-winning faculty in the College.
  • Pipeline to Professions

    Pipeline to Professions

    Whenever Carl Hubbard ’21 boards a plane and sets off for the Bay Area to begin his job with Cisco Systems, it will be the start of a chapter he’s been eagerly anticipating for more than a year. It...
  • graduate students in caps and gowns after receiving diplomas

    Return to Commencement

    UNH graduate students were the first to receive their degrees as UNH returns to in-person ceremonies. Undergraduate commencement takes place May 21– 23.
  • Cover of 2021 SPARK magazine

    Research Rising to the Challenge

    This is an example of research at its best: Spark, UNH’s annual review of research and scholarship. Here for the first time in digital format. Take a look; have a read. Be inspired.
  • David Finkelhor works at a laptop

    Study: 1.4M Children Annually Receive Medical Care for Violence

    A national report from UNH shows close to one and a half million children each year visit a doctor, emergency room or medical facility as a result of an assault, abuse, crime or other form of...
  • Travis Fischer

    Researching His Future

    Travis Fischer ’21 is into research. Specifically, research into diseases like cancer. He wants to help stop them from devastating people’s lives by working to develop new therapies and possibly be...
  • Looking through blossoms at T Hall

    Fulbrights Increase Mutual Understanding

    Seven UNH students are part of a celebrated moment in the history of scholarships as 2021 marks the 75th anniversary of the Fulbright Program, signed into law in 1946 by President Harry S. Truman.
  • Stuck Yet? Now’s Your Chance: Vaccines Available

    Stuck Yet? Now’s Your Chance: Vaccines Available

    Registration is now open for all members of the UNH community to receive their first COVID-19 vaccine Monday, April 19, 10 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. at the Whittemore Center. 
  • Challenged to Meet the Challenges

    Challenged to Meet the Challenges

    Grace Roy ’22 started mapping her future when she was in middle school, a future that aims to see people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol get the help, and respect, they deserve.
  • Students walking through T Hall arch

    Prestigious NSF Graduate Fellowships Awarded

    Four UNH students have received National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships, given to students pursuing master's and doctoral degrees in science, technology, engineering and mathematics...
  • Nurse and nursing student at Portsmouth Regional Hospital

    UNH Nursing Achieves Highest Ever National Ranking from U.S. News & World Report

    The University of New Hampshire’s department of nursing has received a #63 ranking for its master's programs from U.S. News and World Report (USNWR). This achievement makes UNH the highest ranked...
  • light house

    Favorable Winds

    As the Biden administration announces a plan to expand the development of offshore wind energy development (OWD) along the East Coast, research from UNH shows significant support from an unlikely...
  • Elizabeth Kipp ’21 outside

    Making It Work

    As a nontraditional UNH student, Elizabeth Kipp ’21 took 16 credits a semester her sophomore and junior years so she could finish her undergraduate degree in social work in three years.
  • Bill Ross showing archival collection book

    From Aliens to New Orleans

    A September night in 1961 changed the lives of Betty and Barney Hill when, while driving through New Hampshire’s Franconia Notch area, they allegedly encountered aliens. It would become the first...
  • A photo of lumpfish in a tank

    Liking Lumpfish

    Lumpfish. That’s what was featured in the first video Nate Spada '19 ever posted to TikTok, lumpfish and their eggs. Not exactly the kind of thing you’d expect to draw much interest, let alone more...
  • female student

    Angels Among Us

    A gift from S. Melvin Rines '47 continues to give students' hands-on experience as angel investors.
  • American flag

    “I Do Solemnly Swear”

    “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the...
  • Researcher in lab

    Promising Research

    Waldenström macroglobulinemia (WM), a rare form of lymphoma, does not have any known cure and only one FDA-approved treatment, making it challenging to treat patients. But with the work being done at...
  • student in COVID testing lab

    Partnering to Test

    The high toll that the coronavirus has taken on long-term care facilities across the nation underscores the value of a new partnership between UNH and the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human...
  • Dean_Cyndee_Gruden

    Returning to Where it All Started

    When Cyndee Gruden ’91, ’93G walked onto the UNH campus as a first-generation college student in the fall of 1987, she had a limited understanding of her own potential.
  • Politics Aside

    Politics Aside

    Professor Therese Willkomm’ occupational therapy students create technological device holders for such things as iPads and cell phones from discarded campaign signs.
  • Julian Maduro ’21

    Character Counts

    When Julian Maduro ’21 says she grew up around books, she is speaking both figuratively and literally.
  • Physics professor Chanda Prescod-Weinstein stands against a chalkboard with arms crossed.

    A Force in Physics

    Nature magazine has selected assistant professor of physics Chanda Prescod-Weinstein to its "Nature's 10" list of 10 people who helped shape science in 2020.
  • student feeding horses at dusk

    For The Horses (And The Cows)

    Every morning, the cows are milked at four. Every morning, the horses are fed at five. In the heat and cold. Rain or snow. In a world of health or pandemic.
  • UNH football team on field

    Delay of Game

    When the announcement was made that UNH would be able to play a spring football season sophomore quarterback Max Brosmer’s second thought was how excited he was .
  • Members of the NH House seated on Memorial Field for swearing in

    Another First

    Memorial Field is known for hosting graduates and athletes. But the event that took place on Dec. 2 was likely a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence as members of the New Hampshire House and Senate met...
  • Shoals Lab aerial
  • JOhn Olson Center
  • Overhead shot of manufacturing training center at UNH

    Cybersecure Manufacturing

    UNH is a member of the Cybersecurity Manufacturing Innovation Institute, or CyManII, joining dozens of other leading research institutions in keeping manufacturing data secure.
  • Bill McDowell and Larry Mayer

    Geophysical Fellows

    Professors Larry Mayer and Bill McDowell have been named fellows of the American Geophysical Union.
  • Associate professor Brent Bell teaching class outside

    Small Problems

    During the 2020 spring semester, when the coronavirus shut down the UNH campus, Brent Bell had to figure out how to keep teaching his wilderness first responder course, which typically includes trips...
  • Student dressed in protective equipment working in COVID testing lab

    Acing the Test

    When the COVID-19 pandemic began spreading rapidly throughout communities around the globe earlier this spring, Ian Ayer ’22 knew he wouldn’t last long lounging comfortably in the family living room.
  • ROTC cadets guard flag pole

    Honoring Heroes

    ROTC students hold vigil at the Thompson Hall flagpole in honor of Veterans Day. 
  • UNH Student practices interviewing with UNH CaPS CEPS Mock Interview Day

    Interview Prep, Beyond the Basics

    To secure a position, you often need to go beyond the basics.
  • Birx Visit

    Birx Visit

    Dr. Deborah Birx, U.S. coronavirus response coordinator, visited UNH's state-of-the-art COVID-19 test lab.
  •  Excellence, Times Two

    Excellence, Times Two

    Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, assistant professor of physics and core faculty in women’s and gender studies at UNH, has received the American Physical Society’s (APS) Edward A. Bouchet Award. The award...
  • A Research Record

    A Research Record

    UNH closed FY20 with a record-breaking $129 million in new grants and contracts for research.
  • Electing a President: History Repeats Itself

    Electing a President: History Repeats Itself

    We’ve heard all the adjectives describing the 2020 election climate — challenging times; tumultuous times; unprecedented times; even, times of unprecedented challenges.
  • Shadi Zamani ’20

    From Stressed to Blessed

    Shadi Zamani ’20 finally feels settled into her new apartment in New Jersey. Just six months ago, she felt like a young woman without a home.
  • student in COVID-19 testing lab

    Put To The Test

    When professor Kelley Thomas turned on the lights in the COVID-19 testing lab on a recent Monday morning, he says there are no words to describe what he felt.
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